Today, we had the opportunity to walk through the entire construction site. We stood on the first floor in the offices, kitchen, sanctuary, and social hall. We went to the second floor and stood in the youth lounge/library and new classrooms. We were able to look out over the entire project and truly feel how far along we are. We say it's exciting each time we share new information with you. This time is no different. Each step truly is more exciting than the last. Temple Emanu-El and the JCC have so much to look forward to when the doors open to our new space.
As you will see in the photos below, the second floor concrete has now been poured, and the ironwork is completed. Soon, the foundation will be poured into the sanctuary and social hall spaces. Next week, weather permitting, framing will begin. Not long after, you will see the front façade take shape and roofing added.
If you want to know more about what you see in the photos, contact Dana Shectman, Mike Leber, Casey Horgan, or Marc Linder. We would be happy to answer your questions!