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10/21/24 Construction Update

10/21/2024 11:58:44 AM


It's a beautiful day to lay the foundation of our new home!

10/14/24 Construction Update

10/14/2024 05:02:06 PM


We had an opportunity to meet with the entire team for our progress meeting just before Yom Kippur. Construction continues to move right along! By this time, you have likely seen the elevator shaft and stairwell rise from the ground at the front of the property. If you look now, you will see a covering of rocks. The ground is being prepared for the concrete slab. The electric underground roughs are being completed. After the inspection of that work, the first-floor slab will be poured except for the sanctuary space. That is being held for later so machinery can continue to access the site easily. The following steps you will see will be the delivery and erection of the steel.

Please contact us with any questions or comments, and, as always, visit us to see the progress for yourself!

Looking forward,

The Temple Emanu-El Building Committee

9-17-24 Construction Update

09/17/2024 12:53:31 PM


Join Ed, one of the people working hard to build our new synagogue home, on a walking tour of the building site. This video is not to be missed!

9-12-24 Construction Update

09/12/2024 11:13:35 AM


This morning, the Temple Emanu-El building committee met with the JCC committee, the contractors, and our construction manager for our monthly progress meeting. We are pleased to report that the project is moving right along! The new door outside the gymnasium has been installed, so we continue to have a safe evacuation route despite the construction. Currently being worked on, among other things, is finalizing the water metering design, finishing backfilling the concrete work that is already done, starting masonry work for the elevator shaft, and completing underground utility work. The site is busy! You can take a peak through the construction fence or get a bird's-eye view from the window at the end of the upstairs hallway. Please feel free to reach out to the office with any questions.




8-20-24 Construction Update

08/20/2024 04:54:39 PM


This is the scene today on our building site. When speaking with Ed from Old Forge, he explained the extreme importance of the placement of each and every component you see below. If anything is off, even a centimeter, you have take it all out and start over. This is the most important part of the building process because it creates a strong and stable foundation for the building to sit on for many, many years to come.

The second photo shows a pretty straight shot from the entrance, elevator pit, Executive Director's office, main temple office, coat room, sanctuary, and social hall. To the left of that shot, and visualized a bit in the final photo, you can see where the Clergy offices are, as well as Sisterhood office, bathroom, and additional exit. If you are familiar with the plans, you can even see the storage area, kitchen, and courtyard patio taking shape.

It's all coming together, and we couldn't be more excited about the progress we've made!

Soon we will share a video of Ed walking us through the site and pointing out some key locations.


8-1-24 Construction Update

08/01/2024 03:28:58 PM


We hope that you have come to see our construction site. There is so much going on! If you look at the overall space, you can visualize the perimeter of our new home. You can see it in the photos below, but because it is such a large space, we assure you it is better to look at it in person!

At today's meeting with our construction crew, we were reminded that pouring concrete is one of the most exciting tasks to accomplish when building a new building. Also very exciting and critical is the setting up of leveling plates because the steel that will keep our building stable sits on them. There is no room for error while going through that part of the building process, which is why it takes so long and delays the visual process.

Please remember that we are available to answer questions. Always feel free to reach out to us by replying to this email, calling the office, chatting us up at services, or any other way you feel comfortable.


7-26-24 Construction Update

07/26/2024 03:13:11 PM




7-17-24 Construction Update

07/17/2024 02:03:54 PM




7-12-24 Construction Update

07/12/2024 11:07:59 AM


After meeting with our construction team yesterday, we have news to share!

Concrete was poured yesterday.  You can see some of it in a photo below.  Next week, more work will be completed on the footing and foundation.  By the end of next week, we anticipate all footing areas will be prepped.  Next, you will see work on the elevator hoistway and stair tower.  After, work will begin on underground utilities inside the building footprint.  Phases of pouring of the concrete slab will begin after that.  You can anticipate seeing the erection of steel in mid-September.  

Please contact us with any questions, and again, feel free to visit the temple office and tour the construction site with us from a window above!



7/2/24 Construction Update

07/02/2024 01:30:48 PM


The old transformer has been removed from the property, and the new one is up and running. This allows us to progress on the foundation work.  Keep an eye on the site so you can all of these exciting changes for yourself!




6/21/24 Construction Update 

06/21/2024 12:58:53 PM


Take a look at these photos showing the progress made this week on our construction site! Below, you will see our new transformer, which is ready to be hooked up to the building next week. Don't forget that the temple will be closed on June 26th while this power switch is being made. In the other photos, you will also see the land being prepared for the foundation. These are significant steps forward. We hope you come to visit and check it out for yourself. It looks much more exciting in person!


6-7-24 Construction Update

06/07/2024 01:03:54 PM


Our construction site sure is busy! Here is some of the big news.

This week, utilities have been addressed. Cable lines have been moved, gas lines are being placed in a temporary location, and work is being done to prepare for our new transformer. Next, you will see excavation for the footings, which will prepare us to begin the foundation. We can't wait to see steel being placed as our project goes vertical later this summer!

There may be coordinated shut downs of the property at various times throughout this process, and we will let you know if/when this will affect Temple Emanu-El operations with as much advanced notice as possible.

We encourage you to stop by and see the work for yourself! Please contact us with any questions you may have.

Looking forward!



5-20-24 Construction Update

05/20/2024 05:02:08 PM


Our property is a very active site, with the space cleared and prepared for construction.  You will notice that trees have been removed, concrete broken up, and trenches dug for new gas lines, electricity, and plumbing.  Things are moving along. Gas service is about to be temporarily changed until our first phase is complete, and our contractor, Old Forge, is focused on the transformer changeover and laying the foundation down.

We currently have a team meeting scheduled for the first Thursday of every month. Our building committee, composed of Mike Leber, Dana Shectman, Casey Horgan, Dom DeFilippo, and Marc Linder, will attend these meetings, along with representatives from the JCC and the Y, our project coordinator, and Old Forge. These meetings serve as a platform to review the upcoming four weeks' schedule and to plan ahead beyond those weeks. This is crucial to ensuring the smooth progress of our project.  

We also encourage you to stop by and see the site from the ground and from the window in the upstairs hallway that overlooks the whole area.  



4-5-24 Construction Update

04/05/2024 02:41:54 PM


We have very exciting news!  

You will finally begin to see changes to our building site. Beginning on or about Wednesday, April 10th, work will begin to clear the area of trees, sidewalks, curbs, and other debris. Trenches will be dug for pipes and electrical lines. As you enter from Oak Tree Road, the parking lot on the left side will be closed off to everyone except authorized personnel, as it will be an active construction zone.  

As construction progresses, normal routines will change and be disrupted. We will do our absolute best to keep you updated as we learn of developments.  

Watch for updates, photos, and videos as our new home grows from the ground! The more you visit us in the office and attend services and programs, the more you will see the advancement of our incredible project.

Please make sure to open the emails so you always have the most up-to-date information. You can also find these updates right here on our website.

3-13-24 Construction Update

03/13/2024 01:23:45 PM


Thank you to everyone who joined us at our beautiful groundbreaking ceremony! If you were unable to be there, we hope you looked at the photos and read the speeches. We know that you are waiting to see progress on the site. We wish it were simple to show you a visual of all of the progress we have been making! Permits are being finalized. The building committee is working diligently on the interior. We are working with Old Forge Construction on the final site details that need to be put in place before mobilizing the entire team. We recognize that this work looks invisible to you, but each piece brings us closer to seeing our collective vision rise from the ground. Please feel free to reach out to the building committee or office with any questions you have.


The TEE Building Committee

We have broken ground!

02/06/2024 01:52:16 PM


On Tuesday, January 30, 2024, members of Temple Emanu-El and the JCC, donors, staff, and dignitaries gathered to break ground on Temple Emanu-El's new spiritual home and the JCC of Middlesex County expansion.  This event was long awaited and full of excitement and hope for all that is to come in our very bright future!



12-14-23 Construction Update

12/15/2023 09:49:58 AM


Dear Temple Emanu-El Family,

We have an exciting update!

We have chosen a contractor and are entering the process of finalizing the contract, which will be done within the next couple weeks. Our construction will commence after the start of the new year. We are thrilled to finally be able to share this with you. We know that you are as happy as we are to get to see the hard work we have been putting in finally come to fruition.

Looking forward,

The Temple Emanu-El Building Committee

11-6-23 Consruction Update

11/06/2023 02:08:37 PM


Dear Temple Emanu-El Community,

We would like to update you on the latest information regarding our new construction. We are currently winding down the next step of the bidding process. As that step reaches its completion, we are simultaneously working to deal with site preparation. We understand how difficult it is to wait to get to see evidence of all that has been going on behind the scenes. We share your frustration. However, our committee takes our fiduciary responsibility to the congregation very seriously, and we want to guarantee the financial viability of each aspect of the project. We are diligently moving toward our end goal, and look forward to our next exciting steps. Our Congregational Meeting is taking place on Wednesday, December 20th at 8:00pm. There will be an update given that evening, and we hope you join us to hear it.

Thank you,

The Temple Emanu-El Building Committee: Michael Leber, Dana Shectman, Casey Horgan, & Dominic DiFilippo

9-6-23 Construction Update

09/06/2023 09:51:50 AM


A lot of progress has been made on our project since our last update! As we shared in June, ten contractors were invited to bid. We received bids from six firms. We then worked with our consultant and the JCC to narrow it down to three. We interviewed each of them individually and were able to turn our focus to two exceptional options. The consultant, the contractors, the JCC, and our TEE team worked together to create a list of modifications to the plan in order to guarantee the most cost effective solutions possible, while ensuring our requirements and needs are met. The final two groups are now modifying their bids and will be presenting them to us shortly. We understand that it is challenging to wait as this important process is completed. We share your frustrations, but also would like to share our growing excitement with you. Although visually you are not seeing much progress at all, we promise that there is a tremendous amount of work consistently happening behind the scenes that is bringing us to that greatly anticipated shovel in the ground! 

The Temple Emanu-El Building Committee
Michael Leber, Dana Shectman, Deb Sager, Casey Horgan, & Dominic DiFilippo



We have reached the bidding stage!

06/27/2023 03:43:31 PM


Very exciting news!   As of last week, our project is in the bidding stage.  The request for bid package was sent out to ten contractors and nine have responded that they will be bidding on our new construction.  Bids must be in by July 14th and we will keep you posted once our committee and the board have reviewed them.

Be on the lookout for our new signs that are finally in and will be installed on the Temple property in the upcoming days.

A message from TEE President, Michael Leber and Architect Renderings!

03/11/2023 11:31:09 AM



Click the photo below to hear an update about our new building from Temple Emanu-El President, Michael Leber. We are so exited to share this news with you. After viewing the video, take some time to enjoy the architect renderings below! Please let us know if you have any questions.



Our plan for a new building has been approved! 

10/06/2022 09:00:00 AM


After all of the hard work and diligence by our Engineers, Architects, and professionals, our plan for a new building has been approved not only by the Township of Edison, but by the DEP. Our plans will need to go through a resolution with the town in approximately 45 days and then we are officially able to begin. That means that we have now entered into the construction phase. Right now, our architect is working on the renderings of the exterior and interior of the building and will be providing a scale model that will sit in the lobby of the Temple/JCC building for all to see when they enter the building. After the renderings, they will begin on the foundation plans so that our construction manager can bid out the work and retain a contractor to begin. We hope to have a groundbreaking ceremony and get a foundation poured before the Winter freeze is upon us.  

This is maybe the most exciting time in decades for our Temple and the Jewish community of Middlesex County. I couldn't imagine a better start to the New Year than this exciting news and I am overjoyed that we get to embark on this journey together.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me.


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785